Publications 2010
Clement AB, Gimpl G, Behl C. (2010). Oxidative stress resistance in hippocampal cells is associated with altered membrane fluidity and enhanced nonamyloidogenic cleavage of endogenous amyloid precursor protein. Free Radic Biol Med 48(9):1236-1241.

Bilkei-Gorzo A, Drews E, Albayram O, Piyanova A, Gaffal E, Tueting T, Michel K, Mauer D, Maier W, Zimmer A. (2010). Early onset of aging-like changes is restricted to cognitive abilities and skin structure in Cnr1(-/-) mice. Neurobiol. Aging, 33(1):200.e11-22.

Günther J, Schulte K, Wenzel D, Malinowska B, Schlicker E. (2010). Prostaglandins of the E series inhibit monoamine release via EP3 receptors: proof with the competitive EP3 receptor antagonist L-826,266. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol., 381: 21-31

Massa F, Mancini G, Schmidt H, Steindel F, Mackie K, Angioni C, Oliet SH, Geisslinger G, Lutz B (2010) Alterations in the hippocampal endocannabinoid system in diet-induced obese mice. J. Neurosci.30: 6273-6281.

Magerl W, Krumova EK, Baron R, Tölle T, Treede RD, Maier C (2010). Reference data for quantitative sensory testing (QST): refined stratification for age and a novel method for statistical comparison of group data. Pain, 151(3):598-605

Kodirov SA, Jasiewicz J, Amirmahani P, Psyrakis D, Bonni K, Wehrmeister M, Lutz B (2009) Endogenous cannabinoids trigger the depolarization-induced suppression of excitation in the lateral amygdala. Learn Mem 17:43-9.

Tiyerili V, Zimmer S, Jung S, Wassmann K, Naehle CP, Lütjohann D, Zimmer A, Nickenig G, Wassmann S. (2010). CB(1) receptor inhibition leads to decreased vascular AT1 receptor expression, inhibition of oxidative stress and improved endothelial function. Basic Res Cardiol., 105(4):465-77.

Cluny NL, Vemuri VK, Chambers AP, Limebeer CL, Bedard H, Wood JT, Lutz B, Zimmer A, Parker LA, Makriyannis A, Sharkey KA. (2010). A novel peripherally restricted cannabinoid receptor antagonist, AM6545, reduces food intake and body weight, but does not cause malaise, in rodents. Br. J. Pharm., 161(3):629-42

Murikinati S, Jüttler E, Keinert T, Ridder DA, Muhammad S, Waibler Z, Ledent C, Zimmer A, Kalinke U, Schwaninger M. (2010). Activation of cannabinoid 2 receptors protects against cerebral ischemia by inhibiting neurophil recruitment. FASEB J., 24(3):788-98.

Petrosino,S., Cristino,L., Karsak,M., Gaffal,E., Ueda,N., Tuting,T., Bisogno,T., De,F.D., D'Amico,A., Saturnino,C., Orlando,P., Zimmer,A., Iuvone,T., and Di,M., V (2010). Protective role of palmitoylethanolamide in contact allergic dermatitis. Allergy. 65, 698-711.

Dodd GT, Mancini G, Lutz B, Luckman SM (2010) The peptide hemopressin acts through CB1 cannabinoid receptors to reduce food intake in rats and mice. J Neurosci 30:7369-76.

Quarta C, Bellocchio L, Mancini G, Mazza R, Cervino C, Braulke LJ, Fekete C, Latorre R, Nanni C, Bucci M, Clemens LE, Heldmaier G, Watanabe M, Leste-Lassere T, Maitre M, Tedesco L, Fanelli F, Reuss S, Klaus S, Srivastava RK, Monory K, Valerio A, Grandis A, De Giorgio R, Pasquali R, Nisoli E, Cota D, Lutz B, Marsicano G, Pagotto U (2010) CB1 signaling in forebrain and sympathetic neurons is a key determinant of endocannabinoid actions on energy balance. Cell Metab 1:273-85.

Zakrzeska A, Schlicker E, Baranowska M, Kozłowska H, Kwolek G, Malinowska B. (2010). A cannabinoid receptor, sensitive to O-1918, is involved in the delayed hypotension induced by anandamide in anaesthetized rats. Brit J Pharmacol 160:574-584

Malinowska B, Zakrzeska A, Kurz CM, Göthert M, Wielgat P, Braszko JJ, Schlicker E. (2010). Involvement of central ß2-adrenergic, NMDA and thromboxane A2 receptors in the pressor effect of anandamide in rats. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol 381:349-360